Month 3 Begins: Progress Report

It hardly seems like it could be two months since I’ve last seen Brooklyn- and yet it seems like such a long time ago. The twists and turns, ups and downs, awe and heartbreak. Now that I own a mini-motorhome and no longer have the (minor) annoyance of unpacking...

“Who Rescued Who?”

The day before Purl died, I had seen a magnet on a car in the shape of a paw with the words “Who Rescued Who?” It made me smile, as this is a phrase I’ve used often for my dogs. (For my fellow Grammar Nazis… it is “Who Rescued Whom,”...

The Next Phase: The Vespa Journey Continues

It’s time for me to get into my new routine. Losing Purl took a lot out of me, I have to admit. When you are together constantly, it’s a huge loss (not that losing any pet isn’t a huge loss!). Jerome came to me quickly, I’m grateful, he’s...

Not What I Thought I’d Be Writing About Today

Today’s post was supposed to be about waking up for the first time in my new-to-me motorhome. Instead it is about waking up without my faithful companion by my side. I’m devastated. In the blink of an eye, I lost Purl yesterday. One moment, giggling with...

Wind- The Untold Story, Until Now

Riding brings me many things: joy, a sense of freedom, the satisfaction of doing something a bit out of the ordinary. Riding across the country? Definitely not the norm! I consider myself to be a skilled rider and also take safety seriously. I’m not ever going...

Disappointments and The Power To Choose My Attitude

You realize by now that I am not much of a planner, but I am a very determined person. As I set out from the East Coast, I didn’t even know what route I was going to take. But I knew California was the goal. At first, making it to the West Side (LA) Scooter...