It’s time for me to get into my new routine. Losing Purl took a lot out of me, I have to admit. When you are together constantly, it’s a huge loss (not that losing any pet isn’t a huge loss!). Jerome came to me quickly, I’m grateful, he’s a real champ and already fitting in so well. I require the companionship to function, unapologetically. People may think that I am on this “road trip” alone, but I know that isn’t so. It is time to continue our Vespa journey.
My mom came for a visit, which was terrific and helped. Just because you turn 40 doesn’t mean you don’t need your mom anymore! She helped with getting Ms Piggy organized, and was an easy passenger to have for my first full week on the road.
I’ve just put her on a plane, am in the LA area and going to stick around for a short while. Little known Jill fact: we called Hermosa Beach “home” for a quite a bit of time growing up, so it’s fun to be around old haunts.
This is just a catch up post, I’ve got specific posts coming right up on Ms Piggy (the motor coach), Jerome (the chihuahua I rescued in Phoenix), Joshua Tree National Park and finally hitting the beaches of LA.
Thanks for all of your support, kind words, prayers and messages over the past week and a half. None of them went unnoticed, if they happened to go unanswered. I am doing well, but still have a hard time talking about Purl’s death. You are all so wonderful to stick around and maintain your interest in the journey…
Now back on the road.