by Jill Sessa | Monday, Jan 4, 2016 | The Journey, Work along the Way
LifeHacking. And the chance that, just maybe, everything is perfectly fine and there is nothing to be fixed. Note: This has been an on-going document on my desktop for over two years.
by Jill Sessa | Friday, Nov 22, 2013 | Tips for Traveling Small, Work along the Way
Connecting to the internet when you live in a motorhome is a topic that comes up a lot! Despite traveling all over the country and spending a lot of time exploring new places- and finding new interests in familiar ones, I do indeed work every day. When your work is...
by Jill Sessa | Friday, Nov 15, 2013 | Work along the Way
For almost the entire time I have been traveling, our software business has been in the midst of a significant “pivot” (that’s developers language for “We’re changing what we do!”). In January of 2012, we identified an area, social...