I’m sure you’ve got questions, curiosities, comments about what I am up to. Let me explain just a bit.
I am single. Happily so. My only daily responsibility to a being is to Purl.
Many of you are not. But some of you are in the same position. This lifestyle is not for everyone, but there are lessons in it we can all learn from.
I do, however, have a family. I’m fortunate to have an incredibly close relationship with my parents. They care about me… and expect to hear from me. I’ve got to do a better job of honoring that, especially when I am off gallivanting. Its not fair to make the people who support you the most worry. Feel free to bug me and ask if I’ve checked in with them lately. They’d appreciate it.
I’m not a complete nomad. There is an apartment in Williamsburg with my name on the lease. Said apartment also has a storage unit. Total, that is 490sq ft of space, nevertheless that’s more than I need. I’m happy to have others use it while I take off somewhere. But I also like walking in the door of the apartment and seeing my stuff: treasured artwork, bright and happy belongings, an incredible view of the Queensboro Bridge and the Chrysler Building. Maybe someday very soon, that will be replaced with a Tonke mobile home and then I’ll give up the apartment. No decisions right now.
I also have a business partner. He is known as the Wizard for good reason. A brilliant coder, intelligent and thoughtful writer, and just about as understanding as anyone can ask. He’s given me permission for this epic lifestyle, but I’m also responsible for holding up my end of the business. Part of that responsibility is almost all direct income earning activities. Meaning, I slack off, we don’t eat or pay each of our rents. I find all of the above to be super helpful in keeping this all going.
I’m far from perfect but perfectly satisfied with that. Quirky, hard to understand sometimes, more of a loner than most realize but can talk to anyone anywhere. I don’t see my lifestyle choices as a big deal, but I get that they are different. Face it, I think its weird that people have homes in which entire rooms are devoted to gift wrapping. But we all make choices.
There is something deeply in my core that makes me want to share my experiences. Part need for significance, part natural born teacher, part social media addict. I’m also okay with all of this. If you’re not, you’ve got a delete button, the hide feature, or just general indifference on your side. I won’t be hurt, promise.
Come along on my journey. Some days I’m going to get super technical and review products, services and choices that make this all possible. Other days, I’ll show off the view from the road. You’ll see plenty of shots of a 3.5lb dog whose sole responsibility is to make people smile. If this meandering road inspires you to open yourself up a bit, cheers to you. Have questions? Please ask. Recommendations of your own? I’d love to receive them.
Wish us well and all that goes along with that, safety, health and peace. We wish the same for you. Well… Purl just wishes you would throw her ball and play fetch.
Caio for now! See you on the road!